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TAPS is a Non-Profit 501(c)3 Charity. TAPS ID# is 33-0761430.

There are five ways you can donate to TAPS:

#1. Make a standard donation through Paypal of any amount from $10 to $2,000.00 (more if you are verified). Click our Paypal button to go to our Paypal Donation Page.

#2. If you would like to mail a check, please call for our mailing address.

#3. Help underwrite an intervention by gifting stock or other investments to TAPS. Contact Tony for details.

#4. To offset the travel costs consider donating frequent flier miles. Contact Tony for details.

#5. Volunteer from your own community. Email Tony for some ideas on how you can help.

We are grateful for any and all your support!

1-760-439-2087 (Tony’s Direct Line)